

Does SEO really work? – Prove it!

Yes it really does work.

Many of the businesses we work with know SEO works because they track how new customers came to hear about them. So they know who came from the Yellow Pages, who found their website when searching in Google, and who was referred from word of mouth, etc.

So that we do not give away what our clientsare up to to their competitors, we don’t share results that can identify them. What we can do however, is put you in touch with client for their unbiased feedback. Just give us a call and we’ll happily provide you with contact details of clients so you can phone them and ask for their feedback.

If you’ve ever had a business coach, then you’ve probably heard the concept of testing and measuring, which is all about doing something and measuring the results, improving on it and testing it some more. This is how we know SEO really does work.

I’m using AdWords, isn’t that SEO?

AdWords (Google’s pay per click advertising programme) is not SEO, although it can be used as part of an SEO fast-track strategy. Here’s how – create an AdWords campaign and monitor which keywords are the ones people are clicking on. These are the buying or action words.

What we then do is focus our SEO around these keywords so that you rank in the search results for those same keywords. When people click on your ad, you pay for each click, maybe a $1 or maybe $2, when people click on you from the search results you pay nothing. So the more you are found for these action inducing keywords in the search results, the more people you get to your website without having to pay for each click.

How long before I see results?

You’ll often see improved search results rankings within the first month of starting. Bear in mind though that SEO is an on-going process where we expand and promote more and more terms over time. This means that as the amount of SEO done increases so will your position in the search results.

To start with the results will be for isolated keywords and phrases, however, after several months the improvements will start showing up in more and more places, even for phrases that haven’t been promoted.

Can you get me to #1?

Yes and No. For some terms there’s no doubt you can get a #1 spot on Google, it all depends on how competitive the term is and what your competition are doing.

Having said that, you don’t need to rank #1 to see the financial benefit of SEO, a more appropriate strategy may to rank for more terms, rather than at the top of a few.

The more competitive the term, the more time and effort required to get to the top and that extra effort may be better spent on ranking well for other terms.

Can I do PPC and SEO and get twice the benefit?

You sure can and for many businesses we highly recommend it.

Pay per click advertising using Google Adwords is great for generating leads and sales in it’s own right. It’s also great as a fast-track strategy for SEO.

A little known third benefit, which not many people ever consider using AdWords for, is branding. If this is of interest to you, then phone or email us for more details. The secret strategy we use is not something we tell too many people about.

When I / someone I hired, tried SEO before it didn’t work, what makes you think you’ll be able to help us?

SEO is not for everyone; perhaps it’s not right for you.

SEO can be a bit of a black art, where what works well for one type of business may not work for another, or even the same type of business in a different location. Each of the search engines are all different too, what works for one is different to the others. And to add to the challenge, over time the strategies required change, what we use today, is different to what we were doing 6 months ago.

This sounds confusing, I just want more sales, can you help?

The short answer is yes.

While you focus on what you do best, we focus on what we do best – SEO, so that you reap the rewards of more leads and sales.

You know your business best, you know your existing customers, and how you currently sell what your business does. We work with you and extract that information so we can effectively use it to market your business on the Internet. And in doing so we get your web site found in the search results by people that want to do business with you.

I don’t have time, can you do it all for me?

The short answer is yes we can do it all for you.

Although you can do all this SEO stuff yourself, if you’re just getting started it may chew up more hours than you expect to get the results you want, or you may be a little overwhelmed and not sure where to start.

We’ll still need to spend time with you understanding your business, what makes you unique, why people choose you, and how you currently get new customers. That way we can build on and leverage what already works. Following that the team at Web Gurus does all the SEO grunt work and you get regular updates on progress.

Is the rumour true that it’s possible to dominate many of the positions on the first few pages of Google?

Shhh, don’t tell everyone, especially your competitors.

Yes the rumour is true. We have legal and ethical strategies that could see you occupying 3, 4, 5, or more of the positions on page one of Google, plus even a bunch of the positions on page 2 and 3 as well.

Imagine when a prospective client searches using one of those action taking buying phrases and half the search results page is links to your business … cool huh? Better yet, imagine the look on the faces of your competitors.

This group of Google domination strategies aren’t for everyone however, if it suits your business then you may want another bank account to hold all the extra cash it can generate 😉

To find out more, contact the Web Gurus team today.

About Us &

What We Do

The Web Gurus team is dedicated to helping small and medium businesses get more leads and sales from the Internet. It’s all based on combining our experience from using the web as a sales tool since the 90s with our on-going extensive research and testing of what works today.

We package cutting edge digital marketing strategies making it straightforward for local businesses to incorporate them into their own marketing in a way that grows their profit.

Web Gurus is how we share this knowledge of how to use the web to generate leads, to market your business online and achieve real results. We are a value-added agency; we educate you and give you the tools to get greater results online.

Steve Vale, Managing Director

Steve is an expert in Sales and Marketing Automation, using cutting edge techniques to market local small and medium businesses, helping them to generate more leads and convert more of them into clients. With over 20 years in the industry, Steve knows how to achieve online results for your business.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed about website design, Google Ads, SEO (search engine optimisation), or don’t know where to begin, we can help you; contact us today.

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