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About Us &

What We Do

The Web Gurus team is dedicated to helping small and medium businesses get more leads and sales from the Internet. It’s all based on combining our experience from using the web as a sales tool since the 90s with our on-going extensive research and testing of what works today.

We package cutting edge digital marketing strategies making it straightforward for local businesses to incorporate them into their own marketing in a way that grows their profit.

Web Gurus is how we share this knowledge of how to use the web to generate leads, to market your business online and achieve real results. We are a value-added agency; we educate you and give you the tools to get greater results online.

Steve Vale, Managing Director

Steve is an expert in Sales and Marketing Automation, using cutting edge techniques to market local small and medium businesses, helping them to generate more leads and convert more of them into clients. With over 20 years in the industry, Steve knows how to achieve online results for your business.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed about website design, Google Ads, SEO (search engine optimisation), or don’t know where to begin, we can help you; contact us today.

Professional Workmanship Guaranteed

Website Design & Build

Sites That Generate Enquiries & Make You Look Good

Search Engine Optimisation

Safe & Affordable SEO That Gets Results

Google Ads (AdWords)

See How Ai & Machine Learning Get You Better Results

Case Studies / Examples

What We've Done For Other Successful Businesses

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